's what's for dinner

Since I stopped eating meat, I started eating chocolate.  I mean, why not?  It needed to be made healthy and adapted over different variations of my “diet”.  My diet has become a lifestyle, basically my tailored version of the Keto diet.  I started at the recommendation of my doctor and while I still think he wants me on it, I haven’t asked, because I like it.  It’s simple and it works for me.  

Some people don’t like to use protein powder.  I, however, am not one of those people.  I’ve tried many and done my research and found the ingredients I want in my powder.  After a few attempts at some of the major companies out there I stumbled across a company called True Nutrition.  They have customizable protein powder and oatmeal.  I am able to build my own shake mix, pick the ingredients as well as the percentage of each that I want included, and select a flavor.  You can even add some boosts such as probiotics, etc.  And I love the taste!!  Sometimes when I am not quick on the draw to order a new batch before my current runs out, I’ll do a quick search on Amazon and try to find one I haven’t previously sampled that can be here in 2 days (thanks Prime).  They never live up to my mixes from True Nutrition.  I use the chocolate one to make my shake but I also buy other flavors to have at other times during the day for dessert - with a mini whisk and some nut milk I have a tasty treat in under a minute.

Now the machine that is going to mix all your goods up into a delicious drink should ideally have some power.  My mom gifted me with a Vitamix a few years back and I thought I’d never use it and just keep going with my bullet mixer.  Wrong.  I use it every single day.  It rocks!

Here is the gist of my shake recipe in case anyone is interested - I don’t precisely measure anymore and adjust as needed.

2 cups of a nut milk (95% of the time that’s unsweetened Almond Milk for me)
Half cup of decaf coffee
1 scoop of protein powder (okay maybe a little more)
3 teaspoons raw cocoa powder
2 teaspoons flax or chia seed
9 ice cubes
Usually throw in some sprouts, spinach, cucumber, whatever!

This makes a lot!  Yum!  Soon I might have to speak about my drinking problem.  Coffee, not alcohol.


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