Town Hiking

It’s a thing.  For the past few Sundays I’ve been actual hiking with a group in the woods, in the mud, in the snow.  It’s Super Bowl day and I’m semi-sick so I modified.  Between kid diseases (colds) and bitter cold temps as well as snow I’ve developed a tad bit of cabin fever this week.  I got the go ahead from the husband to get out and I about ran.

Birds were singing, squirrels (which are abundant in this town) were out and about and snow was melting.  Days ago it was negative something rather, tomorrow it's forecasted to be 60 and sunny.  Cool.  My husband thinks squirrels look like big rats.  I disagree.  I want one as a pet. I think my kitty would love it.

The little town bakery is moving to a way bigger building down the street this week so I had to say good bye.  I didn’t buy anything because, well, think people zoo.

Been reading a book about Happiness and it has been talking about being in the present and so I tried to do that as much as I could today. It was magical - I looked up down and  everywhere in between.  I found myself wishing there weren't so many telephone lines - they ruin all the views and my pictures.

I always thought people should leave their Christmas fixins' up until Spring around here to fight the depressing winter scenery and this town does not disappoint!  One guy was taking his down probably because groundhog Phil says it’s time.  February 3rd is a pretty good run.


This is the equivalent of running on the sand & hiking in snow.

Good bye bakery in this location!

The bikers came to say good bye.

Steelers.  The end.

Groundhog day selection.

Ice cream shop with outdoor only seating.  Open?  Of course!


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